CBSC By-Laws & Rules and Regulations
Revised 2019
The Board of Directors has established the following rules and regulations for the protection of all members of Covered Bridge Swim Club and their guests. All members are respectfully asked to familiarize themselves with these rules to insure the safe and sanitary enjoyment of the pool facilities. A detailed set of Rules and Regulations will be posted at all times on the pool Bulletin Board.
Our pool managers are responsible for enforcing these rules and regulations. Any questions regarding their application should be discussed directly with them.
These rules and regulations may be revised, or additional rules established at any time, by the Board of Directors. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact Bob Hennefer, CBSC President.
Our pool managers are responsible for enforcing these rules and regulations. Any questions regarding their application should be discussed directly with them.
These rules and regulations may be revised, or additional rules established at any time, by the Board of Directors. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact Bob Hennefer, CBSC President.